Monday, June 9, 2014

Why Change is So Hard

1.  Permanent fixtures in your life will encourage old habits and behaviors.
2.  The mind reverts back.
3.  Its exhausting persisting day to day.
4.  It can feel like progress is slow.

All and all change is hard to start and carry through with. Its an uncomfortable and tiring experience that feels unstable for long periods of time. You have to be very diligent and your strategy has to be right. You want to make sure you aren't wasting your time. Diligence is keeping up with it and pushing through the adversity of habit. You must lay new habits, new layers of paint that are stripped off frequently. Strategy is understanding not everything is helping you move forward the same amount. You want to be flexible and cognizant of how you are moving forward and why.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Our subconscious is the machinery of our existence. It is what makes decisions for us and chooses our course of actions and desires in life. I firmly believe for me to get what I want from life, I have to change my own subconscious drastically. Its not really clear how to do this. How you see the world is related to how you feel the world which is related to what you get from the world. Obviously some people circumvent seeing the world and feeling the world from the highest perspective while still becoming successful. Usually what this means is the person succeeded through a boxed in paradigm. They spent their effort on the specifics of the task at hand and developed the bare minimum internal perspective to take them where they needed. There is a funny opposite to this occurrence, the person who's perspective is 'enlightened', so to speak, yet has only challenged themselves mentally in their mind. I've started to believe that the internal perspective is the most important skill.