Friday, November 15, 2013

Reading Review

I'm posting an update on my advancement in my reading list. I've been trying to knock out a bunch of reading to get closer to my goal of freedom in winter break. I'm also thinking about adding another book to my list but who knows. The book is still being perused for content.

Books:(here is an update on my reading list)

Essential Guide to Flash Games: 420 --> 320
AdvancED ActionScript 3.0 Animation: 440 --> 340
AdvancED Game Design with Flash: 740 --> 700
Game Design AS3: 40 --> 0
Game Design Workshop: 450 -->320
ActionScript 3.0 animation: 50 --> 0

total pages = 1950--> 1600 pages left
total pages actually read = 2290 - 1600 = 610 completed

Note that this list also ignores the reading which I did before I started the challenge which was a lot also. (That would change the numbers considerably)

I've realized that my method of updating my reading progress is pretty confusing granted that I'm updating based on how many pages are left to read vs how many pages have been read from the main total. Basically The difference between the number 2290 and the current number is the amount of pages actually read.

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